Face to face counselling

Safe Mind Counselling - Debbie Cluness holding a cup

Face to face counselling 


What is face to face counselling?

Face to face counselling is what people think of when they hear the word counselling. It is a really nice way to have a counselling session and will give us a chance to work together in person. Our sessions will be 50 minutes.  Being in the same room together means we can use all of our senses to communicate. Did you know, a small percentage of communication is words. The larger part of communication is body language and tone/speed/pitch of voice, you can read more information about communication here.

When meeting face to face, the time you spend travelling to and from our counselling space allows you a chance to think and process what is going on for you. In other words it gives you some headspace. We would meet in the same room at the same time each week and this can give a sense of safety as it becomes routine. The therapeutic relationship is unique in this respect.

I am a creative counsellor which means that when you bring what is worrying you, I may suggest using something creative to work with. Some people say this is useful when you find that what you are experiencing is difficult to put into words. It also helps you to make sense of what is happening inside. Examples include working with sand, Russian dolls, stones, and drawing. This list is not exhaustive. If you have your own creative outlet such as writing or taking photos then we can work in that way. Please check out my video chatting about creative ways to work in the counselling space. Creative counselling can also be carried out online, telephone or outdoors.

What is counselling?

It is a unique and personal relationship which you do not have with anyone else. It is formed on trust and safety and I can feel deep connection or love for you. Where I accept you completely as you are. This relationship is a contractual relationship marked out by time and place and that is the only point in your week we will meet. It is a chance to work with your pain, worst fears and worries and in doing so you will feel lighter. When you bring something to our session I connect with the part of me that can feel what you are feeling and be with you in that moment.

People ask me ‘what can I do to help?’. I don’t specifically do anything, therapy works with the forming of this unique relationship and you will be able to connect with the relationship every week. There will be some weeks that will be more difficult for you. Where too many emotions surface and it feels too much and that is okay. It is important to acknowledge that and find out what it means for you. There will also be weeks where you will have lightbulb moments, revelations, realisations …  it will be you that works this out and this is the magic.

The counselling cabin is purpose built and a lovely, safe environment. Of course travelling time should be taken into account along with parking if required or if you are local then a nice walk to and from your session may be preferable to you.

Get in touch if you would like to arrange a free clarity call.

With warmest wishes
